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Blieskastel is an innovative location for start-ups. Thanks to its central location in the heart of the Saarland and its proximity to the French border, it is an ideal place for the development and growth of new business ideas. Thanks to strong support from the municipality and numerous support institutions for startups, Blieskastel is an ideal place to start and grow businesses. It also offers a wide range of business-friendly services and networks to support startups.

FYI: English edition available

Hello my friend, have you been stranded on the German edition of Startbase? At least your browser tells us, that you do not speak German - so maybe you would like to switch to the English edition instead?

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FYI: Deutsche Edition verfügbar

Hallo mein Freund, du befindest dich auf der Englischen Edition der Startbase und laut deinem Browser sprichst du eigentlich auch Deutsch. Magst du die Sprache wechseln?

Deutsche Edition öffnen