45 million US dollars for Lecturio

Sophie Deistler Sophie Deistler | 17.12.2021

The pandemic has caused e-learning to boom. The start-up Lecturio, founded in 2008, benefits and secures a new investment.

Leipzig-based startup Lecturio has closed a $45 million funding round. Sterling Partners and Inspara Partners led the round. Other investors include Hochschule für angewandtes Management, Holtzbrinck Ventures, Holtzbrinck Digital, Seventure and Technologiegründerfonds Sachsen.

"This investment opens a new chapter in Lecturio's history and allows us to grow our presence and expand our offerings," said Lecturio founders Stefan Wisbauer and Pacal Bendien. The startup is looking to continue to expand globally and grow its learning offerings in the medical and nursing education space.

Lecturio was founded in 2008 by Pascal Bendien and Stefan Wisbauer in Leipzig. The start-up offers a learning platform and specialises in the fields of law, medicine, tax and business. Since 2016, there has been an offering for learners in the healthcare sector: Lecturio provides them with videos by teachers from universities such as Harvard and Yale, learning questions and a case database. The platform is used by over 150 medical institutions worldwide.

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