50 million US dollars for Exit Games

Tom Schmidtgen Tom Schmidtgen | 06.08.2021

The US gaming platform Skillz invests in the Hamburg games software. The US-Americans now also want to profit from the technology.

Hamburg-based game developers Exit Games have received an investment of 50 million US dollars. Skillz, a platform for smartphone games from the US, acquires a minority stake in the German start-up. At the same time, the two are establishing a strategic partnership.

Exit Games was founded in 2005 and has developed the software Photon, which is used by game manufacturers Square Enix, Electronic Arts and Ubisoft, among others. Photon is a multiplayer platform that makes it easier for game developers to create and host multiplayer games in real time across multiple gaming platforms.

Nearly 580,000 developers and studios are already using the technology. "We will work together to bring our Photon multiplayer technology to the very popular skill game space. This also means that Skillz can enter the genre of real-time multiplayer games," explains Christof Wegmann, founder and CTO of Exit Games.

The Hamburg-based company plans to put the money into further developing the technology, but at the same time, Wegmann promises that nothing will change in the customer experience. "We will remain an independent company and determine our own future."

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