Three million euros for Cedalo

Sophie Deistler Sophie Deistler | 17.02.2022

With its software products for industrial companies, the Freiburg-based company has now been able to convince two investors of its merits.

Cedalo has received three million euros from Capnamic and the venture capital arm of Landesbank Baden-Württemberg LBBW-VC. With the investment, Cedalo wants to increase its number of employees from twelve to 40. The start-up also plans to expand its marketing, sales and product portfolio.

So far, Cedalo offers two software products for industrial companies: a message broker called "Mosquitto" and the end-user oriented software "Streamsheets". Message brokers are network servers that transport streams of data in real time to the right recipient, such as data from software applications, machines and sensors. "Streamsheets" is no-code software based on a Microsoft Excel-like user interface. It allows employees to process and analyze real-time data without programming skills.

"With Cedalo, we are building on two digital revolutions: On the one hand, no-code software enables every employee to become a developer of groundbreaking innovations. On the other hand, access to real-time data allows revolutionary possibilities for visualizing and using data streams," says Cedalo CEO Philipp Struss.

Cedalo has existed since 2017, with Philipp Struss, Philip Ackermann and Stefan Lölkes leading the company co-founded by Kristian Raue. The Freiburg-based start-up's customers include the mechanical engineering company Arburg, the building automation company Sauter and the industrial group Bosch Rexroth.

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Startup 2017 Freiburg i. Breisgau Cedalo With Streamsheets you make data understandable at a glance and create IoT applications visually and interactively - without even a single line of program code.

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