Dcubed and Satrev shoot selfie camera into space

Anna-Lena Malter Anna-Lena Malter | 24.06.2022

This action marks the first test run for the product of the German-Polish cooperation. It is intended to support satellite manufacturers in the medium term.

The two companies Dcubed and Satrev have successfully tested the first selfie camera capable of capturing images in low-Earth orbit. Germany-based Dcubed (Deployables Cubed GmbH) developed the system, called TRL9. Together with its partner Satrev, a Polish satellite designer and manufacturer, it has now deployed the selfie-stick-like device into low-Earth orbit. It consists of a compact, 80-cm-long self-retracting boom that looks like an extendable arm, with a camera at the end.

The product allows companies to capture promotional images of their satellites in space - as proof that they have safely reached LEO (Low Earth Orbit). It also gives companies the ability to monitor the health of their satellites and troubleshoot any problems without relying solely on on-board sensors.

Grzegorz Zwoliński, CEO and founder of Satrev, says of the selfie stick, "Most aerospace companies are afraid of deployable systems. To have something that moves in orbit companies have to learn how to handle it. It's a challenge, and Dcubed takes it to a new level of professionalism in the aerospace industry." Thomas Sinn, CEO of Dcubed also emphasized the importance of new-space companies and the new technology: "In this industry, it's essential to demonstrate technologies in space."

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