INVEST funding program available again

Janina Gerhardt Janina Gerhardt | 07.02.2023

Business angels can now once again receive grants from the state for their investments in start-ups.

The expired INVEST program is being relaunched. Funding for business angels had been discontinued at the end of last year. The program was initially no longer available because the European Commission had to review its necessity. This is because public funding may only be guaranteed if it is necessary. That's according to the EU's "state aid control", which is supposed to stand up for a level playing field and make sure that state subsidies do not distort competition.

"This means that the venture capital subsidy can flow again," says Christoph J. Stresing, managing director of the start-up association. Especially in times of a tense economic situation, he says, this is good news for startups and business angels.

"The new funding guideline has light and shade," says Stresing. In the future, no follow-up financing will be funded. Business angels with very high investment volumes will also drop out of the program. "On the positive side, however, the grant itself will be increased by 5 percent to now 25 percent," Stresing said.

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