HPI launches incubator

Nils Wischmeyer Nils Wischmeyer | 24.08.2022

The Hasso Plattner Institute is launching a Venture Builder. Anyone who would like to found a tech start-up can apply.

The School of Entrepreneurship at the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) is launching an incubator. For this purpose, the school is setting up the program "Venture Builder - The Incubator for Digital Engineers," which is to start as early as November 2022. The idea: The institute wants to support future tech founders in getting their start-up off the ground and developing a business idea.

Anyone who basically has an idea and would like to turn it into a tech startup can apply for the incubator. According to the HPI, not only IT graduates are in demand, but also students from other disciplines. Those who make it through the application process can take part in the twelve-week incubation program. According to the HPI, this includes lectures and workshops, as well as assistance from experts and entrepreneurs. Also included in the offer is mentoring.

Those who have developed a good idea and business basis after twelve weeks can theoretically even get their first financing, HPI promises in a statement. There is the possibility of "obtaining initial financing at attractive conditions". Until then, the program is free of charge, he said.

"Many people interested in founding a company have developed great ideas and technologies, but don't know how to successfully turn them into products and startups - or don't trust themselves to take the path of founding a company," says Frank Pawlitschek, who heads HPI's School of Entrepreneurship. "Our new program is now putting this into practice here in Potsdam."

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