Woom collects money

Nils Wischmeyer Nils Wischmeyer | 02.01.2023

The start-up from Vienna is getting financially strong support from Hong Kong. But the authorities still have to give their approval.

Woom, a manufacturer of children's bicycles, is to get a new minority shareholder. The Jebsen Group, based in Hong Kong, wants to take over around 15 percent of the start-up at the beginning of this year, provided the authorities agree.

Already on December 23, the investor and the owners of the start-up signed the corresponding contracts, reports Gründerszene. Also expanded in the process is the investment of Bregal Unternehmerkapital (BU), previously Stefan Kalteis, among others, had invested in the company based in Vienna. Marcus Ihlenfeld and Christian Bezdeka founded the start-up in 2013, and since then the manufacturer of children's bicycles has been relatively successful, growing by an average of more than 50 percent per year, according to the start-up itself. Most recently, the young company turned over more than 80 million euros and aims to have cracked the 100 million euro mark in 2022. According to Gründerszene , the start-up should also be profitable.

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