- Finance & Insurance
- Pre-Seed Stage
- Other
- B2B
- 2022
1-10 Employees
- Not found
- Berlin, DE
- eveince.com
- Eveince Tech GmbH
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About the company
Eveince is a quantitative crypto hedge fund startup that manages the risks of the investment in cryptocurrency markets for institutional and professional investors with the aid of several AI, machine learning, and mathematical models.
About the Product
Eveince beats the performance of the S&P 500, Bitcoin, and Barclay Cryptocurrency Traders Index using its entirely autonomous funds and helps institutional investors to enter cryptocurrency markets while their entire investments' risks are being actively managed by artificial intelligence.
About the Team
Are you part of this team?Eveince team has been working together for the past five years, two years of developing the Eveince platform. We are a group of scientists and engineers specializing in data science, machine learning, and software development. We love modeling complex problems and building high-quality software.
News about Eveince
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