Social initiatives

"Cohesion and solidarity in Europe have never been as important as they are today," said Angela Merkel on 18.06.20 in her speech on taking over the EU Presidency from 1 July. And this solidarity to which the Chancellor already called on March 18 in her appeal to the citizens, is shown in many ways since the beginning of the pandemic.
Today we would like to introduce you to some social initiatives that have emerged since the outbreak of the crisis and network helpers throughout Germany and the DACH region.
For example, the initiative, an initiative of the job platform Campusjäger
. Normally Campusjäger acts as a recruiting platform for students, but with this social initiative they have expanded their offer without further ado.
Under the #crisishelp, job seekers and helpers can find jobs in system-relevant areas such as logistics, agriculture and care. This offers both people who have lost their current job due to the crisis, people who want to support, and organizations that are urgently looking for employees the opportunity to network and help each other.
The mediation takes over honorary personal contact persons of the job exchange Campusjäger. Furthermore, the initiative offers a tab on its website, which connects those seeking help and those who help, in that initiatives/neighborhood helpers in the near vicinity can be found there.
Quarantine Heroes
A similar service is offered by Quarantine Heroes, a partner in the Federal Ministry of Health's Together Against Corona initiative. Helpers and those seeking help are also united at quarantä
.Those who belong to a risk group or are themselves a risk of infection can be a hero and stay at home. Those who are no longer able to leave the house can submit a request for help on the website and receiveassistance with shopping, running errands or walking the dog,
for example.
If you are healthy and want to help, you can also become a quarantine hero and respond to requests for help in the area. As a helper, you also have the option here to set push notifications if there are new requests for help nearby. The website serves as an intermediary and contact, all details: what, when, where is needed are then clarified via private message.
Strong through the crisis
Such mediation platforms and neighbourhood help, make an enormous contribution to the care of at-risk patients and the solidarity of society, but this is only a fraction of the problems that people have to deal with during the COVID-19 pandemic. Loneliness, depression, as well as tension, worries and fears surrounding the virus, have become part of many people's everyday lives. The additional psychological stress caused by the Corona crisis must be combated. But how to do that when clinics and psychologists are overloaded or you yourself belong to the risk group and are not allowed to leave the house?
has found a solution for this. Together with Allianz AG, they have launched the initiative "Strong through the crisis". The startup, which otherwise offers online psychological training and online psychotherapy, has now developed a special Corona training with this initiative.
The free online training, is based on methods of stress prevention and stress management and offers in 8 training units methodical approaches to stress prevention, stress management, relaxation and strength creation. In addition, "Strong through Crisis" also offers a free and anonymous worry phone for psychological support. Together, they aim to promote mental health in crisis.
We find: What "Strong through the Crisis" and all the other initiatives are doing is really strong and we are impressed by the multitude of volunteers and helpers who are all doing their bit to help us get through the crisis together.
This was part #4 of our series "Pivot Masters"
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