Allygatr invests in Nextx

Marius Ochs Marius Ochs | 03.11.2022

The start-up offers an app for target-group-specific career guidance. The parties involved did not disclose the exact investment amount.

Allygatr, an investor specializing in HR tech, has invested in Nextx, a start-up founded in 2021. The exact investment amount is unknown. Nextx launched its app in October 2022, which aims to combine career guidance with a social media experience. The app aims to become a platform that matches candidates for apprenticeships and dual degree programs with suitable companies. To achieve this, the founders say they are working closely with students and company representatives.

The founding team found each other during an innovation hackathon that took place at SAP in 2020. The Heidelberg-based startup was also able to leverage this contact right away and has a large regional pilot customer in SAP. Technology company ABB and Heidelberger Druckmaschinen are also among the platform's first customers. Nextx is currently working with these companies on content for the app.

Prior to Allygatr, the company received capital from SAP, the SRH Gründer-Institut and the Exist start-up grant from the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK), among others.

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