Deutsche Bahn invests in AI start-up

Janina Gerhardt Janina Gerhardt | 07.02.2023

Brighter AI's anonymization technology makes publicly captured images and videos usable in a privacy-compliant way.

Startup Brighter AI has received funding from DB Digital Ventures for its image and video anonymization software. The amount of the investment is not known. The technology is expected to bring strategic value to Deutsche Bahn.

"With our technology, we are trying to create new ways in which images and videos can be used to advance our society without sacrificing privacy," said Marian Gläser, CEO and founder of Brighter AI.

Gläser co-founded the company with Patrick Kern in 2017. The founders have developed software that can anonymize people and license plates on images and videos. The images can then be used for machine learning in a privacy-compliant manner and are used, for example, in the development of autonomous driving, public transport, retail and healthcare. The start-up has received the European Privacy Seal for its software.

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