Ex-Siemens supervisor apparently moves to start-up

Jan Schulte Jan Schulte | 18.08.2022

According to a media report, Gerhard Cromme joins battery start-up Theion and takes over as chairman of its advisory board.

The Berlin start-up Theion can apparently look forward to a prominent reinforcement. Gerhard Cromme will, according to a report by the Businesswoche the chairman of the advisory board of the battery developer. Cromme has held positions at Thyssenkrupp, Siemens, and Allianz, among others, either on the supervisory board or as part of the management board.

"If we want to achieve the energy transition, we need high-performance energy storage systems," Cromme told WirtschaftsWoche. "Theion's approach to a high-performance, low-cost battery based on sulfur convinced me."

Theion has been around since 2020, founded by aerospace engineer Florian Ruess and battery researcher Marek Slavik. They rely on a different battery design than most manufacturers. Instead of nickel, manganese and cobalt, they use sulfur in a crystalline state. In addition, carbon nanotubes are said to enhance conductivity. This crystal battery is said to have a high charging capacity, helping e-cars achieve a range three times longer than before. In addition, the battery is said to be rechargeable within minutes and can be produced much more sustainably than conventional batteries.

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