Microsoft wants to invest ten billion US dollars in OpenAI

Felix Leitmeyer Felix Leitmeyer | 11.01.2023

In the future, the U.S. company could even use the company's AI technology in its products, such as office programs like Word or the Bing search engine.

All you have to do is throw it an explanatory sentence, and the software from the US company OpenAI will generate a complex text or a detailed image from it. The chatbot ChatGPT could be told, for example, "Write me a school essay on the role of women in Goethe's Faust." It can even write software codes. The Dall-E 2 software is fed sentences like, "Create a painting of a duck wearing a Van Gogh-style hat." Not infrequently, the results are startling.

The hype around the company has therefore been enormous for several weeks. Software giant Microsoft has also recognized this. According to some media reports in the USA, it wants to invest up to 10 billion US dollars in OpenAI. About Bloomberg refers to the website Semafor. This in turn is based on people who are familiar with the matter. However, it is not yet known whether the deal has actually been concluded.

Accordingly, Microsoft would get 49 percent of OpenAI and pocket 75 percent of the profits until it has the $10 billion back. However, it should be noted here that OpenAI currently offers many services as free trials and is probably not yet a profit champion.

Microsoft had apparently believed in the potential of OpenAI early on and invested one billion US dollars in the start-up as early as 2019. Some experts assume that the company has big plans for OpenAI: For example, Microsoft could apply the AI technology in Office programs such as Word, the search engine Bing, the social network LinkedIn and code hosting platform GitHub.

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