Planethome acquires Renewa

Janina Gerhardt Janina Gerhardt | 20.07.2022

The company thus intends to supplement its service offerings for real estate with energy refurbishment.

The real estate service provider Planethome has acquired 50.1 percent of Renewa's shares and thus becomes the majority shareholder. With the takeover, the company intends to expand its real estate service offerings to include energy refurbishment, subsidy consulting and CO2-neutral real estate optimization.

The global building sector is responsible for 40 percent of all CO2 emissions. The real estate industry therefore bears a great responsibility for climate protection. Renewa offers a full-service concept to make houses more energy-efficient. Pascal Tilgner, Philipp Schormann and Michael Suer founded the company in 2011. Starting as an intermediary platform for craftsmen's services, the company has become a planning office for energy-efficient renovation. By its own account, Renewa, headquartered in Hamburg, has 30 employees.

Planethome wants to further expand Renewa's model. So far, the market has been limited to the northern German region, he said. The business model is now to be spread nationwide. "At the same time, as part of our value chain, we are investing in an area that is becoming increasingly important for the real estate market as a result of the CO2 tax and the Building Energy Act," says Dieter John, CEO of Planethome.

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