Unicepta buys start-up Giance

Janina Gerhardt Janina Gerhardt | 03.06.2022

With the acquisition, the company aims to expand its competencies in the field of artificial intelligence.

Unicepta acquires the Berlin-based start-up Giance. In this way, the company intends to expand its range of services for corporate communications and marketing. Following the acquisition, Giance founder Hans Uszkoreit will become a member of the Unicepta Group's corporate advisory board and is expected to accompany future developments in the field of artificial intelligence.

Founded in 2018, the start-up Giance has developed an AI to recognize and extract knowledge from texts. This is said to make it possible to find relevant facts about specific events from more than 400 million internet sources. According to the company, the technology enables companies to identify and respond to operational risks and incidents at an early stage, for example within supply chains or during extreme weather events.

"Freely accessible information in the media or on the web is a huge and strategically valuable treasure trove of data for companies," says Jochen Freese, CEO of Unicepta Group. However, due to the ever-growing amount of data, systematic evaluation is downright impossible, he says. "With Giance's trend-setting AI technology, we are creating an additional offering of an automated and highly precise solution here - not only for corporate communications and marketing, but also for other strategic corporate areas such as finance, supply chain or the C-suite."

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