Xentral and Mollie work together

Sophie Deistler Sophie Deistler | 01.07.2022

Xentral enables companies to plan and automate their processes, while Mollie offers payment services: Together they want to help e-commerce companies grow.

Augsburg-based scale-up Xentral is launching a collaboration with Dutch payment service provider Mollie. In doing so, Xentral will integrate Mollie's payment services on its platform, which allows e-commerce companies, retailers and wholesalers to manage their sales channels, plan business operations and automate logistics.

Current and future customers of the two companies can already use the service. The integration of common payment methods into Xentral's software enables merchants to save time and have a better overview of their merchandise management and cash flow. Orders can be reconciled automatically based on transaction data.

"Xentral and Mollie are both pioneers in simplifying burdensome processes for innovative e-commerce businesses," said Xentral Vice President of Sales and Partnerships Stephanie Richheimer. "In doing so, each of the two companies has a unique focus: fast-growing e-commerce businesses are made easily scalable by Xentral, and the integration of Mollie means that challenges in connecting disparate payment services are now a thing of the past."

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