Open as app
- IT and Communications
- Seed Stage
- Sale of Services
- B2B
- 2016
1-10 Employees
- Found
- München, DE
- Open as App GmbH
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About the company
Turn business data into apps! Open as App is a cloud service for the creation of apps based on spreadsheets - without programming knowledge in a few seconds. You can automatically bring apps with calculations, dashboards, lists or maps into your company. Everyone benefits: your departments, your employees and your IT experts.
Open as app Funding
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since 2021
2016 - 2021 5 years, 4 months |
Stephan Michael Methner Geschäftsführer |
2019 - 2020 0 years, 9 months |
Ralf Hertneck Geschäftsführer |
2020 - 2021 0 years, 7 months |
Markus Pöhlmann Geschäftsführer |
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