Startup Radar

We have identified 0 newly founded companies between 11.03. and 17.03.2024. This curated scouting report provides insights on 0 identified startups and 0 potential startups.

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Our analysts were on vacation 🌴

We did not cover this week, please check out the next or previous week to.

Longlist 0

Startups monitored by our analysts. As soon as more information about the startups become available our analysts will start their in-depth company research.

Ignored 0

Many of the scouted companies do not match our definition of a startup (like having a scalable business model or being an investment-case).


The startup radar does not constitute investment advice, financial analysis, a solicitation to buy, hold or sell securities or any other recommendation within the meaning of the WpHG. The sole purpose of the startup radar is supporting discussion about innovations within the startup community.

FYI: English edition available

Hello my friend, have you been stranded on the German edition of Startbase? At least your browser tells us, that you do not speak German - so maybe you would like to switch to the English edition instead?

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FYI: Deutsche Edition verfügbar

Hallo mein Freund, du befindest dich auf der Englischen Edition der Startbase und laut deinem Browser sprichst du eigentlich auch Deutsch. Magst du die Sprache wechseln?

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