
News Employment in Germany: decline recorded in the 3rd quarter of 2024 Services as a ray of hope: While industry and construction are weakening, the service sector is keeping employment stable.
Reports EdTech Startup Monitor 2024 EdTech start-ups struggle against bureaucracy and funding hurdles German EdTech start-ups see the digital education sector as a future field, but slow digitalization, bureaucracy and a lack of funding are slowing them...
News + 13.7 % increase in insolvencies in September 2024 The number of regular insolvencies applied for in Germany rose by 13.7% in September 2024. Companies in the transport and construction sectors are particularly affected.
News Automotive industry records 4.7% decline in sales in the first half of 2024 Exports of new cars remained stable, while employment figures declined slightly. Nevertheless, the automotive sector remains the industry with the highest turnover in Germany. Punitive tariffs could put further...
Reports Third Zenjob study on Generation Z published The third GenZ study by Zenjob sheds light on how the economic challenges are affecting the job preferences of young employees. Job security and a good salary are gaining in importance, while work-life balance and...
Reports DACH VC market reaches new equilibrium after decline in financing The latest analysis from NGP Capital offers exciting insights into the DACH VC market. Find out how AI and deep tech are boosting investment despite a general decline and which cities are emerging as new start-up hubs.
News Study: Influence of role models and education on start-ups Equal opportunities in the startup universe. Find out why family background is not only a personal story, but also a crucial factor for the success of startups - and how this could change the economy for everyone.
News An hour's work cost an average of 41.30 euros in 2023 - sixth highest value in the EU Labor costs in Germany: how high are they compared to the EU average? New figures reveal the costs per working hour and place Germany in sixth place in the EU.
Magazine Knowledge Masterplan Study 2024 - Upskilling for the future DACH companies put to the test: The Masterplan Study 2024 "Upskilling for the future" reveals that 68% of companies consider their employees to be poorly to moderately prepared for current and future challenges.
News Cologne startup balance sheet 2023 Innovative despite decline: Cologne has 27% fewer start-ups, but scale-ups are flourishing. The 35% increase in investment volume underlines the stability of the scene.

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