Changing world of work: GenZ focuses on security and flexibility

The results of a recent survey of Generation Z by Fiverr reveal significant changes in the world of work. The results show a growing attraction to the IT sector and an increasing preference for freelancing and flexible working models.
Berlin - The world of work is being transformed by Generation Z (GenZ), as a survey by Fiverr shows. The company conducted the survey at the end of January among 10,033 GenZ people in Germany, France, the UK and the USA. The results show that for 20% of the GenZ members surveyed who work freelance or plan to do so, freelance work seems more secure than a full-time job as an employee.
Financial stability is the top priority for 37% of respondents. For more than half (51%), work mainly serves to provide financial security, while 64% say they realize their dreams and wishes through their work. A competitive salary and salary transparency are decisive factors for 20% of respondents when choosing a job.
Focus on leisure time in Germany
In Germany, the focus of GenZ is on enjoying life, with only 16% stating that they go beyond their limits for their job. Compared to the previous year's study, this puts Germany behind France (20%), the USA (26%) and the UK (29%). Nevertheless, 18% say they would work harder to earn more money.
Flexibility and self-determination are essential for GenZ. Flexible working hours (28%), assignments in line with their own values or interests (24%) and the opportunity to act independently (24%) are relevant factors. A hybrid working model is preferred by 31%, while 32% want to decide for themselves when they come into the office.

There is an upward trend in the IT sector. Compared to the previous year, the areas of IT, tech and programming have become more attractive. For 15% of respondents, a job in the AI sector is particularly promising.
Freelancing is gaining in importance, both as a self-employed activity (24%) and as a full-time job (68%). The IT & Technology sector is particularly attractive (82%). Although 29% see the irregular income as the biggest disadvantage of freelancing, 20% of GenZ freelancers consider freelance work to be more stable than a full-time job as an employee.
About the survey and Fiverr
The survey was conducted by Censuswide on behalf of Fiverr. Over 4 million customers worldwide have collaborated with freelance talent on Fiverr in the last year. Fiverr provides a digital services platform where freelancers can find a variety of opportunities and entrepreneurs can access freelance talent to drive their projects forward.
Fiverr's mission is to change the way the world works together. The platform offers over 700 skills from AI to programming to 3D design. Companies can use Fiverr Business Solutions to find the right talent and tools to flexibly respond to their needs. With over 120,000 German-speaking experts from more than 160 countries, Fiverr offers a wide range of skills for different industries.
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