These are the new funding programmes for start-ups

Start-ups from North Rhine-Westphalia and Bavaria take note: NRW Bank and Rhein-Kreis-Neuss are expanding their start-up funding. There are also two new funding programmes in the Munich region.
The new year begins with some new funding for start-ups. We have picked out a few:
"NRW Bank Gründung und Wachstum": funding also for part-time founders.
Under NRW Bank's new "Start-up and Growth" promotion programme, start-ups can apply for loans of up to ten million euros for a term of five to twenty years. Part-time founders can also take advantage of NRW Bank's offer. North Rhine-Westphalian companies that have been in the market for more than five years can also use the funding to expand into other federal states or abroad.
In the new development programme, NRW Bank combines the "Gründungskredit" and "Mittelstandskredit" loans, which expire at the end of 2021. "We are expanding the financing options for both young and established companies in our state so that they can turn their ideas into reality," says NRW Bank Management Board member Gabriela Pantring. "Especially by offering particularly favourable interest rates for start-ups and young companies that have been active in the market for less than five years, we are creating additional investment incentives." Here is more information.
Accelerate_rkn wants to accelerate start-ups in Rhein-Kreis Neuss
The Accelerator of Rhein-Kreis-Neuss supports start-ups for five months with services worth up to 25,000 euros. These include kickoff days, workstations in a co-working space, workshops with experts and help in developing a prototype. After that, follow-up funding via grants or venture capital is possible.
The program already started in the summer of last year. Recently, four start-ups received the first funding notifications from accelerate_rkn. Among them are, according to information from NGZ the inclusion platform UniqueUnited, the baby fashion online flea market Loribox, the stock analysis start-up Kurskontrolle and the software start-up Shader. Those who would like to apply for the accelerator program must still be patient: The next funding round is expected to start on 01 June 2022, until which time start-ups can submit their pitch decks.
AI+MUNICH and Robo.Innovate to make Munich a pioneer in artificial intelligence and deep tech
Two new funding programs, AI+Munich and Robo.Innovate, are being launched in the greater Munich area this year. The German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology has allocated 5.9 million euros to further develop the AI sector in Munich. With the AI+Munich project, AI start-ups are to form an alliance, develop start-up ideas and transfer knowledge from universities to industry. Individual AI start-ups are also to be supported.
With around 1.5 million euros, the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs wants to establish a deep-tech incubator for intelligent robotics. Robo.Innovate will give teams in the pre-start-up phase access to infrastructures. Among other things, they will be able to access a development lab for robot apps. Technological teaching, training and offers in the field of entrepreneurship and financing are also on the agenda.
"Munich is becoming a European hotspot for start-ups. In some areas, such as insurtech, the state capital is already among the global leaders. We also want to take these positions in AI and intelligent robotics. That is why the Federal Government and the Free State of Bavaria are creating additional opportunities to develop and implement corresponding business models", says Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs Hubert Aiwanger.

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