Qbilon raises six-figure financing

Anna-Lena Malter Anna-Lena Malter | 14.06.2022

The main investor in the Augsburg IT start-up is Bayern Kapital. The exact amount of funding is not known.

The young Augsburg-based company Qbilon received a six-figure sum in its seed financing round. The main investor is Bayern Kapital. The two Bavarian family offices Vetos GmbH and DI Beteiligungs GmbH also participated. Bayern Kapital's funds come in part from the EU-funded Bayern Kapital Innovation Fund ERDF.

Computer science graduates Melanie Langermeier, Simon Lohmüller, Thomas Driessen and Julian Kienberger founded Qbilon together in 2019. "With Qbilon, we have developed a platform for capturing and optimizing hybrid IT landscapes that combines information from previously isolated data sources such as cloud platforms and virtualization or monitoring tools into a comprehensive IT map," explains co-director and co-founder Lohmüller.

With the help of Qbilon's software, companies will be able to view all important technical data in the future. A live overview is intended to simplify troubleshooting and identify bottlenecks at an early stage. According to the start-up, previous partners include BMW and Stadtwerke München. "We are pleased that we now have the necessary capital to successfully take the next steps," says Lohmüller.

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