The Federal Government's Future Fund is launched

Lisa Marie Münster Lisa Marie Münster | 24.03.2021

Start-ups rarely find venture capital in Germany. The Federal Government's Future Fund is intended to counteract this. A first module is already starting in April.

As early as August 2020, the German government announced the Future Fund. Ten billion euros are to be made available for this by 2030, with private investors contributing a further 20 billion euros. Towards April, the federal government wants to start the program with the "DeepTech Future Fund" (DTFF), which is to be worth one billion and participate jointly only with partners from the private sector.

Technologies that deep tech startups devote themselves to often require long development and research phases before a final product emerges. This is where the fund aims to come in. "We are ensuring that Germany is at the forefront of innovation and investment. This is the right thing to do, because investments in start-ups strengthen the future viability of our country. I therefore see it as a crucial task to give German start-ups powerful support from their foundation to a viable business model," said Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD).

In addition, other modules of the Future Fund are to be advanced in 2021. These include the expansion of KfW Capital and the European Investment Fund (EIF) in their "Growth Facility". In the third quarter, the KfW Capital growth fund is to be launched, which will be endowed with one billion euros. There, the investments will be additionally backed by the state. This is to encourage more institutional investors to invest in start-ups.

For years, there has been repeated criticism that too little venture capital is granted in Germany, so that start-ups also have to turn to foreign investors. The Zukunftsfonds is intended to counteract this.

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