planeed / startup from München / Background


planeed is an innovative leader in corporate communication technology, specializing in creating dynamic, omnidirectional platforms that amplify messages across both analog and digital spaces.
  • IT and Communications
  • Growth Stage
  • SaaS
  • B2B
  • 2022
  • 1-10 Employees
  • Not found
  • München, DE
  • planeed - Sabri & Liebl GbR

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About the company

We enhance positive human impact on our planet and society

There’s an accelerating shift towards a more meaningful, ecologically conscious, and collaborative economy and society, setting higher expectations for brands and marketing. This ongoing transformation will shape the landscape for years and decades to come.

Today, stakeholders demand increased transparency and active involvement in understanding the essence of your brand, particularly your actions. Mere statements of purpose fall short; it’s about fostering real engagement and contributing tangibly to address societal issues. The solution to this is found in planeed.

Brands that make an active contribution to a more responsible future and also succeed in communicating this credibly to all stakeholders will be stronger than ever in tomorrow’s economy.

We therefore want to support companies in facing up to this new responsibility and, with planeed, offer an innovative solution for making impactful commitment tangible in all aspects of corporate activity.

About the Product

Make CSR communication engaging and measurable. planeed is your solution to...

...redefine communication: Maximize the impact of your communication strategy by spotlighting what truly captivates your audience – your actions. Our solution allows you to turn any of your CSR actions, big or small, into valuable information that wants to be shared with your community.

...maximize engagement: Transform your CSR strategy into an engaging story with your community. Our solution offers a range of unique ways to involve your audience, encourage meaningful interactions and turn your CSR communication into an authentic dialog.

...measure impact: Say goodbye to vague metrics and guesswork. Use robust analytics to quantify the impact of your CSR efforts. From environmental conservation to social responsibility, track and measure the sentiment of your initiatives with precision.

We are strong advocates for acknowledging responsible corporate actions and believe that involving individuals in a company’s CSR initiatives is crucial. At planeed, we’re dedicated to aiding brands in fostering deeper emotional connections with stakeholders by harnessing the immense influence of all modern channels in communicating CSR efforts.

Bernhard Liebl, MSc. & Dr. Aly Sabri

News about planeed

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News aus der Startupwelt KW 34 - 2024
News aus der Startupwelt KW 34 - 2024
Apheros erhält 1,65 Millionen Euro. planeed startet Plattform für ganzheitliche Unternehmenskommunikation. Markus Rottmaier wird Chief Sales Officer von aimpower. Sheers: Neuer Rum speziell für Frauen. Pathalys Pharma sichert sich 105 Millionen Dollar in Series-B. AAX Biotech erweitert...
23.08.2024 »

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