Xplain Data / startup from Zorneding / Background

Xplain Data

Xplain Data Causal AI algorithms uncover cause-and-effect relationships in complex data: basis for intelligent interventions & smart decisions.
  • IT and Communications
  • Growth Stage
  • Other
  • B2B
  • 2015
  • 1-10 Employees
  • Found
  • Zorneding, DE
  • xplain-data.com
  • Xplain Data GmbH
  • Bayern

About the company

Xplain Data Causal AI algorithms uncover cause-and-effect relationships in rich, real-world data. Knowing cause and effect is key to intelligent intervention - Causal AI has been steadily rising on the Gartner AI Hype Cycle since 2022, and Xplain Data is named as one of the 10 relevant vendors. In 2024, IDC named Xplain Data an "IDC Innovator for Industrial AI Solutions". The foundation for causal deep search in complex data is our patented object-centric data management system, ObjectAnalytics. ObjectAnalytics itself is a paradigm shift in data science - instead of flat tables, it enables the development of the next generation of intelligent algorithms by operating on holistic real-world objects.

Our technology is used across industries, such as manufacturing and healthcare, where the object of analysis is the patient with many sub-objects. Our largest installation contains 60 million patients with billions of events. Xplain Data is self-funded by the founding team and profitable.


Xplain Data's mission is to integrate robust concepts of causality into the field of artificial intelligence. This requires a holistic view of the object to be analysed, which we make possible through our innovative database technology.


Xplain Data's vision is Causal AI algorithms that can process ‘real world objects’ as they naturally exist - allowing AI systems to operate in real-world environments.

About the Product

Xplain Data's Causal AI algorithms enable companies in all industries to identify the few potentially causal relationships in their real-world data that are hidden behind a multitude of trivial correlations - the basis for evidence-based decisions to optimise business processes. By knowing why something is happening, users can make targeted interventions in their business processes to eliminate the causes of errors or achieve a desired effect.

ObjectAnalytics is Xplain Data's patented, unique database for analytical tasks, the basis for effective causal discovery. It offers particular advantages over other technologies when complex objects (such as patients) need to be analysed as a whole. Xplain Data's ObjectAnalytics database is already being used in many places, including by statutory health insurance companies, but also in other industries such as Trumpf or Siemens for analysing data from PCB production, which has led to a significant improvement in quality.

In many analytics projects, we encounter the complexity of real world data that collides with the restrictive data structures that today's machine learning methods can handle. We believe it is time to tackle this challenge without forcing the data into overly simplified structures.

In 2015, we began our journey to develop ground-breaking innovations in the context of big data and artificial intelligence. The result of our efforts is the ObjectAnalytics paradigm, a novel, patented concept that makes it possible to process complex real-world objects ‘as they are’.

Our team of 4 founders (and data enthusiasts) has a proven track record of developing innovative data analytics solutions at renowned companies including Accenture, SAP, and Siemens. Their vision is to enable Causal AI algorithms that process complex “objects” exactly as they are instead of in an artificially prepared analytics environment.


Michael Haft Geschäftsführer
since 2015
Michael Kögel Geschäftsführer
since 2015

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