die höhle der löwen

News The lions' den The Lion's Den - Christmas Special Magical pitches, exciting start-ups and a studio full of festive spirit - the big Xmas special of Die Höhle der Löwen on December 10 at 8:15 pm on VOX.
News The lions' den Die Höhle der Löwen - today with Frank Thelen and Jochen Schweizer The show for the anniversary of DHDL. On September 23, 2024, Frank Thelen and Jochen Schweizer return in the anniversary episode of the start-up show. Five start-ups compete for an investment.
News The lions' den A look at the seventh episode of The Lion's Den Tonight at 8:15 pm on VOX: The seventh episode of "Die Höhle der Löwen". Experience creative start-ups and exciting pitches as the founders fight for the favor of the lions. Tune in and join the excitement!
Magazine The lions' den The Lion's Den today episode 6 - season 15 Falling ratings - what's behind the current decline in viewer interest in 'Die Höhle der Löwen'? And we present the start-ups on today's show.
Magazine The lions' den The Lion's Den today episode 5 Find out what ideas the founders are presenting tonight in "Die Höhle der Löwen" on VOX! From flexible game components to individual commissioned art - don't miss the future of entrepreneurship on the German TV...
Magazine The lions' den Die Höhle der Löwen - Show today - Episode 4 Season 15 Stay tuned for the upcoming episode of "Die Höhle der Löwen" and immerse yourself in the world of entrepreneurship! From innovative ice cream packaging to digital inclusion platforms and sustainable dry toilets - this...
Magazine The lions' den Die Höhle der Löwen - today - episode 3 - season 15 From avocado smoothies to innovative toothbrush covers made from birch bark - experience the variety of creative business ideas in episode 3, season 15 of "Die Höhle der Löwen" today
Magazine The lions' den After Feschd comes off! - DHDL episode 2 This week in "Die Höhle der Löwen": Which business ideas will convince Dagmar Wöhrl, Jana Ensthaler, Ralf Dümmel and their colleagues? Plus a critical review of the first episode.
Magazine The lions' den New season: The Lion's Den enters its 15th round The lions are back! From April 8, you can experience on Vox how founders present their visions and fight for the favor of investors.
News The lions' den Die Höhle der Löwen on October 9, 2023: New startups in search of investors In the current edition of 'Die Höhle der Löwen' on October 9, 2023, five innovative startups will present their ideas to the jury, including products such as environmentally friendly Therma-Pads and a unique...

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