The Lion's Den today episode 5

Find out what ideas the founders are presenting tonight in "Die Höhle der Löwen" on VOX! From flexible game building blocks to customized commissioned art - don't miss the future of entrepreneurship on the German TV landscape at 8:15 pm!
Tonight at 8:15 pm it's that time again: the fifth episode of the start-up show "Die Höhle der Löwen" will be broadcast on VOX. In this episode, founders will once again present their ideas and hope for investment from the lions.
Startups in episode 5 DHDL
1. bionicTOYS (Berlin)
Founder Marcel Pasternak presents his cbionic flexible building block sets, which enable children to imitate the organic movements of animals. The flexible building blocks are not only designed to be fun to play with, but also to impart knowledge about nature in a playful way.
2 LOREMO (Munich)
Franziska Scheuerle presents LOREMO, the first digital platform for luxury commissioned art. Customers can order customized works of art that are perfectly tailored to their interior and personality.
4th Fat Albert (Baltmannsweiler)
Albert Ebenbichler presents the Fat Albert, a new type of e-scooter with a trunk between the wheels. The environmentally friendly scooter is intended to offer a solution for stress-free goods transportation in the city.
5 Just Nosh (Berlin)
Shweta Pahuja-Markull and Lars Markull present Water Lily Pops, healthy snacks made from water lily seeds. The founding couple want to bring the diversity of Indian cuisine to Germany with their snacks.
6 Clever Horse Clip (A-Salzburg)
Founder Konrad Winkler wants to make horses' lives more comfortable and safer with his Clever Horse Clip. The closure system is designed to prevent injuries by opening automatically in emergency situations.
Reunion with bideo (Elmenhorst)
A reunion is also on the agenda: Thorsten Homma proudly presents the progress of his company bideo. After his successful pitch in the ninth season, he returns with new products, including the bideo WC intensive foam with active oxygen. The collaboration with investor Ralf Dümmel has already brought great success and promises a promising future.
Startbase articles on the current season
This section contains a list of all our previous contributions to the episodes of this season of "Die Höhle der Löwen". Here you can follow the various founders and their business ideas at a glance.
- New season: The Lion's Den starts its 15th round
- After Feschd comes off! - DHDL episode 2
- Die Höhle der Löwen - today - episode 3 - season 15
- The Lion's Den - Episode 4 - Season 15
In conclusion, the successful show "Die Höhle der Löwen" not only shines a spotlight on the creative diversity and entrepreneurial spirit in Germany, but also raises the question of whether the broadcast on linear television still reaches the desired target group. In view of increasing digitalization and the shift in media consumption to online platforms, it is clear that the viewing habits of many viewers are changing. Nevertheless, "Die Höhle der Löwen" remains a captivating format that inspires millions of viewers week after week to follow and implement business ideas. A corresponding evaluation would be really exciting to see whether former DHDL fans have been able to successfully score points on the show themselves.
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