Auto1 reports renewed decline in unit sales

Marius Ochs Marius Ochs | 13.10.2022

For the third quarter of 2022, the used car platform again reported fewer vehicles delivered than in the previous three-month window.

Auto1 released its delivery results for the third quarter of 2022, reporting another decline in sales. During the period, 163,500 vehicles were sold, representing 4.5 percent year-over-year growth. In the previous quarter, however, Auto1 sold 166,100 vehicles. The stock was temporarily at 5.52 euros, its lowest level in 52 weeks, as it-times writes.

The used car platform founded in 2012 also includes the B2C website In July and August 2022, transactions here declined by a total of 20 percent year-on-year. By contrast, the Autohero retail segment grew by 52.1 percent. 17,150 vehicles were delivered, which is almost 2,000 more than in the third quarter of the previous year.

Sales in the Merchant segment also increased to 150,350 vehicles. In the previous quarter, it amounted to 146,350 vehicles. In total, Auto1 purchased 159,350 vehicles, including 19,800 in the retail segment and 139,550 in the merchant segment.

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