Lieferando excludes drivers from celebration

Nils Wischmeyer Nils Wischmeyer | 29.06.2022

The delivery service is planning a big pool party for its employees, but hasn't invited its drivers. They don't like it at all.

First, there was an actually very cheerful party invitation that Lieferando sent to its employees in the past few days. The Haubentaucher is where the Lieferando employees are to go for a big summer party with the dress code: It's all about the pool! Start time is 5 p.m. and then there will be food, drinks and a pool just for employees. Only at the end does a sentence appear that is currently causing heated discussions and a lot of anger among many Lieferando drivers. Because it says in bold print: "Only Lieferando employees are invited, excluding drivers and temporary workers.

In plain language, this means that Lieferando is throwing a big pool party for its employees, even inviting one of Berlin's best-known clubs, but excluding all those who deliver food for the company in orange uniforms. Moreover, this is not the first time: already in the spring, the Dutch parent company took its office employees skiing in Switzerland. Cost, according to Bloomberg: 15 million euros. Not invited: the drivers.

The drivers find the renewed invitation more than unfair and are already calling for demonstrations on Twitter. The Twitter account "Lieferando Workers Collective," for example, posted a picture that reads: "They shamelessly celebrate an all-inclusive party while we can't even pay our rent." They are calling for a rally in front of the Haubentaucher at the party's start time.

Meanwhile, Lieferando has commented. Speaking to Gründerszene , the company said, "We really appreciate the work our drivers do on the streets." That's why, Gründerszene quotes a spokesperson, the company is organizing "regular team events in all cities, for example, regulars' tables, barbecues or events for specific occasions" for drivers, as in previous years.

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Startup 2007 Berlin Lieferando Mobile app and internet platform for mediation and marketing of food orders.

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