Plan A expands to the UK

Sophie Deistler Sophie Deistler | 07.06.2022

The software start-up helps companies reduce their CO2 emissions. It plans to open a London office next month.

Plan A is looking to expand to the UK next month. At its new London office, the Berlin-based greentech hopes to hire 100 business, climate and technology experts and create more jobs.

"Our client base in the UK has grown rapidly in recent months and we continue to pursue ambitious growth targets in the UK," says Plan A CEO Lubomila Jordanova. "That's why we decided to strengthen our local presence and build a team in London," she explains. Previous clients include ApaxPartners and Albion Capital, according to the startup.

Founded in 2017, the startup has developed software that helps companies optimize their environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals and non-financial reporting. To do this, artificial intelligence calculates companies' emissions and automates their CO2 reduction planning.

In the UK, the sustainability reporting rules developed by the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) have been in place since April. Public interest companies such as banks, insurance companies and listed companies with more than 500 employees must provide standardized and transparent information on their ESG targets, climate-related risks and opportunities. Plan A's software platform already takes this into account. The startup also wants to help UK financial institutions reduce their Scope 3 emissions - those that occur in the supply chain, for example.

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