Dispute over works council at Flink goes into the next round

The company has won a small partial victory in court in the dispute over a works council. The dispute has been dragging on for weeks.
The express delivery service Flink has won a small stage victory in the dispute over a works council before the labor court in Berlin, as Tagesspiegel and Gründerszene unanimously report. The advocates of a works council had asked the company to obtain the data of all employees in order to be able to ensure that only employees participate in a works meeting. Flink had refused on data protection grounds. In the end, the labor court ruled in favor of the company.
It's the next climax in a dispute over a possible works council for the Berlin-based e-commerce service that has been escalating for months. Employees would like to organize representation there, for which they must first organize a works meeting. At this meeting, an election committee is then elected, which in turn can organize a works council election. Actually, the first meeting was supposed to take place in July, but was postponed by the organizers. The next meeting could now take place at the beginning of September.

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