
Omio and Kayak launch partnership in Europe
The two travel providers are joining forces to offer customers even more choice when booking.

Biontech sales exceed two billion euros in the first quarter
2.05 billion euros in sales were made by the Mainz-based company Biontech in the first quarter of 2021, compared to 27.7 million euros in the same period last year.

Corona drug could be approved this year
The Braunschweig-based start-up Corat Therapeutics is currently testing its drug on patients. If all goes well, the company plans to apply for emergency approval before the end of the year.

Luca app operator defends itself against accusations
The Luca app is secure and transparent, says the head of the contact-tracking app. Previously, security experts had criticized the application.

Education start-ups call for round table with politicians
In an open letter, digital education providers turn to the ministers of education and to Education Minister Anja Karliczek (CDU). They offer their help for learning backlogs.

Apaleo closes financing round
The cloud provider for the hotel industry was able to raise 4.5 million euros - despite the Corona crisis.

Despite Corona: More start-ups in 2020 than in the previous year
There were 13 percent more startups last year than there were in 2019, and analytics firm Startupdetector analyzed which sectors saw the most new companies.

NRW.Bank extends start-up emergency aid
The development bank of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, NRW.Bank, intends to increase its "NRW.Start-up akut" funding programme, which was launched on the occasion of the corona pandemic. After a first round of...

This is what lies behind Home24's business figures
The furniture start-up looks back on a record year. Expectations for 2021 are high - despite the uncertain coronalage.

Rezolve comes to Berlin
Retailers in Asia in particular have been using the app from London-based startup Rezolve to better connect with their customers.
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