Copeia seeks to counter controversial cannabis companion survey

Felix Leitmeyer Felix Leitmeyer | 21.03.2022

The survey by the German Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) is intended to answer, among other things, the question of the indicators according to which cannabis is reimbursable. Copeia is conducting its own survey for comparison.

On March 31, the accompanying survey of the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) on the use of medical cannabis in Germany is scheduled to end. Among other things, the study is to decide to a large extent according to which indications cannabis remains reimbursable. Now there's another cannabis study causing a stir: Berlin-based start-up Copeia is conducting its own companion survey among cannabis patients, as the website Pharmacy Adhoc reports.

What are the motivations of Copeia? The BfArM's companion survey is controversial. The study design failed to convince many experts. In addition, the study is said to be of little significance. For example, it is said not to include half of the cannabis patients because they are self-payers or privately insured. In addition, not all of those with statutory insurance are to be included: The data are to come primarily from patients taking the semi-synthetic cannabis derivative dronabinol. For the course of therapy with cannabis flowers and extracts, important information is therefore probably missing.

Copeia now wants to collect data that should be more useful. 50 pharmacies are supporting the company in the project. In addition, a huge network is on board, including associations, companies, medical staff, manufacturers, wholesalers and pharmacies. The nationwide survey on the course of therapy started on January 17 and ends on April 30. The data will be scientifically validated and published. Dr. André Ihlenfeld, a specialist in anesthesiology who is also Copeia's Medical Director, is leading the study. Although it will not be able to replace the BfArM study, it will provide other important data.

Among those involved in Copeia are the CEO of the company Garvin Hirt and the owner of the Cologne pharmacy Lux99 Tobias Loder. The company's product is a portal developed in-house. This is to support pharmacists, physicians and patients in the therapy. It is to bundle a wealth of information important for therapy under one roof.

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