Election committee at Hellofresh appointed by labor court

Marius Ochs Marius Ochs | 30.11.2022

In the summer, the Verdi trade union applied for the appointment of an election committee for the works council elections. The Berlin Labor Court has now ruled in its favor.

The Verdi trade union wins against the Dax company Hellofresh at the Berlin Labor Court. Employees of Hellofresh want to establish a works council. An important step on the way to the works council is the appointment of an election committee, because this organizes the actual elections. The Berlin labor court has now ruled: Hellofresh must set up such a board.

Already in the summer, employees of the delivery company convened a general meeting in Berlin. More than 1,000 people are employed there. At this meeting, an election committee was actually to be appointed. As the Tagesspiegel reported, the management warned its employees against this and commissioned the law firm Greenberg Traurig to hold informational events. Their expertise, according to their own website: "unionf-free strategies," "persuasion programs" and labor law. The union took this tactic to court - and won.

Verdi now expects Hellofresh to recognize the ruling. "Now that the court has ruled, we assume that the employer will also accept the decision and refrain from further legal disputes," says Franziska Foullong, the responsible union secretary in the Verdi trade department Berlin-Brandenburg. "It would be demoralizing and unnecessary if the employer appeals for tactical reasons and takes the matter to the regional labor court."

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