Tonies launches on the German stock exchange

Sophie Deistler Sophie Deistler | 29.11.2021

In June, the Tonie manufacturer Boxine and Spac 468 announced their merger. Now investors can trade shares in Tonies SE.

As of today, Tonies is listed on the German Stock Exchange in Frankfurt. "As a listed company, we are now ideally equipped to strengthen our category-leading position and introduce new, innovative entertainment formats for children around the world," says Tonies co-founder Patric Faßbender about the IPO.

Tonies has also appointed a supervisory board for its IPO. It is chaired by Anna Dimitrova, who works as Chief Financial Officer at Vodafone Germany. Her deputy is Armira managing director Christian Bailly. Sponsor Alexander Kudlich sits on the supervisory board for 468 Spac. Other members are Armira shareholder Alexander Schemann, Salvia managing director Helmut Jeggle, Axel Springer board member Stephania Caspar and Thilo Fleck.

In June, the Tonie manufacturer Boxine and the acquisition special purpose company 468 Spac of Alexander Kudlich, Ludwig Ensthaler and Florian Leibert announced their merger(we reported). Since Friday last week, they have been operating under the name Tonies SE. The merger has raised 190 million euros for the company. The money is to be invested in product expansion and international growth. Tonies would like to establish itself on the US market in particular.

Patric Faßbender and Marcus Stahl founded Tonies in 2013 and still manage the business today. The company produces an audio entertainment system for children. When children place a character on the Tonie box, it plays music, audiobooks and other audio content. Tonies sells its product in Germany, Austria, the UK, Ireland, France, Switzerland and the US.

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Startup 2014 Düsseldorf Tonies Development and distribution of audio boxes for children, with which they can play audio content.

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