Zalando has apparently changed its controversial human resources software

Jan Schulte Jan Schulte | 12.04.2021

Supervisors and employees could rate their colleagues in detail via a program. The Berlin data protection authority forced Zalando to change this.

Zalando has once again avoided sanctions. As can be seen from the annual report of the Berlin data protection authority, however, the group had to change its software for personnel evaluation. About which employees had already complained to the Süddeutsche Zeitung

in 2019. As "Stasi methods" classified it there, for example, an employee.

About the program "Zonar", supervisors and employees at Zalando could evaluate their colleagues in detail. According to the Süddeutsche Zeitung, this even led to consequences for the job and salary. Among the required changes to the system is that an employee may only evaluate three others - and not eight people as before. In addition, the person being evaluated would have to agree to who evaluates him or her and would be allowed to veto the evaluation. Zalando should also no longer keep the data for so long, the authority demanded. The company has already complied with the demands at the end of 2020, according to Süddeutsche Zeitung


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